John, Maddened

Everything we ate was reportedly eaten by grandpas first, except for the blood sausage, which was a substitute for the blood fried nuggets, and made me throw up for some reason.

What’s clear is that Nate Diaz is correct, as usual 

I was told King’s release was a ”message” and it was a Gruden-led decision.

They have seen in recent years their peers die, the latest Tom Benson from New Orleans, and last year Dan Rooney from Pittsburgh, and mortality is driving a hunger and sprint for rapid turnarounds and more valiant championship-thinking and movement.

I had no idea that after his fall from grace, Chris Brown would turn to racism laundering.

We challenged him to try again. He accepted.

This is what happens when there is no wood left to chuck.

A bee’s penis & testicles are the same thing - it’s an endophallus. During climax the bee becomes paralysed, the endophallus explodes & rips off as bee backflips, & it dies.

Well, that’ll teach him to never trust someone named Grayson.

Lumpy Old Men

Chatman’s fighting style is best described as wrestler-boxer-chiropractor-gymnast.

It appears that nearly all bars in the South do these two things, for instance, while anecdotal (though intensive) reporting suggests that no bar in the Northeast or Midwest does one thing, and rarely does the other.

Committee Member 1: I don’t know. “The ability to perform such an act?” What does that mean? It’s like we’ve dropped the ball...

RG3 trade: WAS sent 209 cents

as Rui Costa’s nasty wheel fight with Carlos Barreda shows, riders can still throw down.

Tennis balls are yellow.

DJ Montage: Where are their bones?

now they see an opening and they can take advantage of him

police said Davis also provided written consent to search his room

Wow, this comment really fired up the logic nerds.