Dr. Dick Lasers

I thought we were done trying to make excuses for psychopaths and abusers in 2019. 

They should do it all on a shoestring budget and go the path of The Hero Yoshihiko and the Demon King’s Castle. 

I love how you have the same cookie cutter response to everything people say to you.

It’s either a testament to your tenacity in these arguments online or a proper showing of you just repeating what you read once on a twitter post that got 100k likes.

Everything to do with Cid. He has one of the most heartbreaking storylines in the game, and I’m going to love revisiting him and his dream in the remake. 

Does Jon Bernthal forget he’s an actor, and not a soldier? I feel like he’s just become a caricature of standard gruff army man.  

  • Chris Evans

I got Kinja’d! Which sucks because it was a totally killer joke about Wooloo evolving into a priest from Age of Empires 2. Now I can’t even delete my own comment to avoid the embarrassment of the images not embedding.

Woe(lolo) is me. 

Can’t wait for the evolution.

Isn’t that the badguy from FarCry 5?

He’s a millionaire, he’ll be fine. Worry more about the poor people who are losing everything when ICE comes for them. 

Honestly, even if it wasn’t self defense, I’d kinda be okay with this. This is the only kind of hunting that would get a pass from me. Go toe to toe with the animal you cowards.  

Did you just ‘Boys will be boys’ the Black Israelites? A group of adults harassed and verbally assaulted a group of children who reacted like children. Later, another adult got within the personal space of children to intimidate and throw racially charged remarks at children.

So are you saying it’s wrong that we tell people that how they dress decides the treatment they receive, or are we saying it’s right? Because right now it sounds like you’re saying “It’s bad when they do it to us, but it’s okay when we do it to them.”

We (the left) need to do better and stop changing the rules every

If you believe that obviously faked tweet from a fake account, then I have so many bridges to sell you. 

So we as leftists have stooped to harassing and doxxing a 14/15 year old shit sucking piece of right wing garbage because his parents raised him to be a MAGA tool because he was ‘disrespectful’ and ‘smirked’.

I would imagine most of the people yelling and screaming at the professional game developers for not making games they want them made are the same people who yelled and screamed at the guy who tweeted a game developer with suggestions on how to implement dialogue choices in an MMO. 

Not condoning his actions. Regardless of how abusive his wife it is NEVER ok to hit anybody. But they are both in the wrong.

You’re a fucking nightmare person and should be forcibly removed from the internet. If you watch that clip and your first reaction to a person crying because their spouse beat them is ‘Well technically she deserved it because she threw the paper equivalent of a wafer at him.’, then you are warped, and clearly trying

Oof. This brings back memories. At this point two years ago I was in a relationship with a married woman. It was complicated as hell. She kept saying she didn’t want to hurt anyone, and continued to refer to her marriage as a ‘situation’. The only reason I kept going along with it is because I believed she wanted out

Oh boy. The “There have been so many variations, deviations, and iterations of this character over the past 40 years and anyone who identifies with any of them is a mass murdering fuckhead sympathiser bad person. If you don’t view the Punisher from the exact same perspective that I do, you’re a psychopath. I am very