Dr. Dick Lasers

I did 8 minutes of Hollow Knight before going for the steam refund this weekend when it was on sale. It was gorgeous, and the animations were very smooth, but I quickly realised that I was going to be bored with the mechanics. It felt less like a Metroidvania and more like Guaca-morose.

Awesome! Now can they make the female armour set from this monster less terrible? I get that it’s almost a direct carry over from XIV but whyyyyy. I just wanna not get stabbed in the belly with half my sets. ): >

Oh shut the fuck up you piece of shit. 

Everyone who vapes is a piece of shit. Prove me wrong.

You bet it did!

This is 100% in reaction to Arin calling Kotaku out for your anti-GameGrumps bias, right?

Eh, good. It’s time people cool it with the hyperbole. Responding to someone on twitter isn’t harassment unless you ask them to stop, or circumvent systems in place mute/block/curate your feed.

Also she celebrated someone’s death because she didn’t like his fans. 

You goon you know what I meant. 

Any game that doesn’t have a diminishing jump stamina is a bad game and should feel bad. 

P Sure the Lucio is Wooly from Two Best Friends Play, and the Futaba is W E I R D T A K O Y A K I

Are we all really trying to slam NPH for mocking someone on twitter when 100% of us do that to at least 10 people every day? That’s what twitter has become.

The gross thing is that this seems to be from a part of the “Gay Twitter” community who then attack anyone who questions it as being ‘cis locals’ and that they just don’t get it.

but in Latin, Junkrat is spelled with an I.

If you like 10 minutes of shooting mostly copy paste badguys and semi-Tracers once or twice then boyhowdy do we have a 23gb update for you.

but I will say I want that Assassin skin for Tracer.

Maybe it’s time we say goodbye to rap as a society anyways.

The only grossly inappropriate character is Genji.

Now playing

I also STRONGLY recommend the Dungeon of the Endless OST. Perfect for back road driving, studying, relaxing, etc.

The CGI is about as convincing as every time I talk about my girlfriend. You don’t know her. She lives in Quebec.