Dr. Dick Lasers

They're a niche developer because they don't get your specific dollars? Lmao

Annoying person banned from twitch. Good or bad? You decide!

Using your platform on Kotaku to stan an abuser and make excuses for the very correct outrage people show toward her is uh—- shitty?

Maybe think about getting a job somewhere you won’t diminish abuse victims and their struggles just because of their gender. 

Seems telling that you choose to believe the latter because of your ingrained biases.

“I refuse to learn how to play this game and I hate boss fights. Is this game about combos and boss fights for me? If not, why don’t they make these games for me? And if you tell me to play another kind of game that I *do* enjoy, you’re a gamergate troll bigot.”

I stopped paying attention to them years ago but I’m shocked to see they’ve found a way to somehow become even more obnoxious.

People who demand Soulsborne games have a difficulty setting come from the same loser genetic line of the morons who forced David Lynch and Mark Frost to solve the Laura Palmer murder a handful of episodes into season two. They want to appease the idiot masses who can't understand or adapt to a different kind of

Dying in a video game makes it unfair!

They're just giving themselves time off.

This game plays great and is a joy to play through with friends. Don’t let the terminally online losers writing 600 word articles and regurgitating twitter politics turn you off of a fun game.

Maybe people should stop rushing to drop their shittiest takes just for a chance to get some clout off someone’s death.

Wow it’s almost like game difficulty isn’t as much of a barrier as Kotaku tries to hard to say it is. People will adapt and overcome rather than needing a baby mode.

Now, as the far right tries to fuel racist panic”

Having a black character not be a stereotype is not erasure.

This is unfortunately what happens when Kotaku hires people who don’t have a personality. 

Maybe if Samus smiled more they'd like it. Fuckin' misogynists.

Yeah that makes sense. Kotaku journalism really is just “What I like is good and better than everything else and made by good people and what I don’t like is bad and made by bad people.”

Lmao. What the fuck? How do you have a job after this kind of bigotry? 

Dave Chappelle has been wrong about so many things but he is absolutely not wrong about this and if this was the point he would spend crusading for the past decade instead of shitting on Trans people I would support him to kingdom come.

Fatphobia isn’t real, and just because a story including LGBTQIA+ characters is one you don’t want to hear doesn’t mean it’s homophobic.

I have now bestowed knowledge upon you that a third grader should know.