Dr. Dick Lasers

Kotaku feels like that angry Ex who just can’t get over it, in terms trying to take swipes at CP2077 whenever they can think of it.

Buying temporary exclusivity from a developer/publisher on a single game (or just buying a single studio like Insomniac or Bungie) is nowhere near the same as just outright buying one of the top three largest publishers in the world. Not to mention, the ink was still drying on the purchase of one of the other top ten

Why is it a bad thing though? Why does every piece of media coming out need representation?

While Japan is definitely not the shining example of diversity or representation, I do feel like not absolutely every piece of media needs diversity or representation.

We agree on the spirit of representation and both want to see more diversity in games. It would definitely be nice to see in an FF game.

Thank you for giving the full quote. I’m a Black gamer and have been a long time fan of FF. The upcoming game seems very promising and honestly if you're starving for diversity in fantasy, there's plenty of spaces where you can experience that. This just seems like a cheap shot click bait article.

I believe that the developers can overcome that challenge without blowing up the internet.”

Look, I really do enjoy Kotaku overall, and I adore that it’s such a prominent outlet and continues to be explicitly on the side of progress rather than the usual gamer sexism/racism/queerphobia/toxicity/etc. etc. etc. As a Latine gay guy, it’s important to me, and I can only imagine what Black (and Asian, and other

plus they can make the game however they want, and anyone can choose not to purchase it if they do not want to

Yeah, but context doesn’t make rage bait articles!!

That actually makes much more sense when it's in context.

Except... this fantasy world *isn’t* connected to the world in that same sense.  It’s geographically isolated and there’s no means to readily get to it from the outside.  

My therapist has a term for this. It’s a “reason”, not an “excuse”. Just because they do it, doesn’t mean it’s right, but understanding the reason can help to understand the people.

We don’t have to like it, but we do have to accept that not all cultures share the same values. That has always been true and always will

I fail to see the issue.

I love how Kotaku left out the last part of his answer from the article completely. Taking things out of context and only providing snippets. Here is the second half of his answer:

As a cis man I don’t think I have related to a Main protag since maybe Zack tho Rikku comes close. Being cis or white has very little to do with my identity tho I understand it might for others.

I am not gonna get caught up in this until the game releases but that quote was limited and the full quote makes a bit more sense

No. They’re afraid of getting the POC characters “wrong” according to Kotaku, Polygon or Vice and end up being raked across the coals by all game journalist for it. 

You do know that other people have different backgrounds, perspectives, visions, and goals, yes?  It’s fine that your hype for this game is dead and I would absolutely encourage you to play Skyrim if you, you know, want to play Skyrim. 

Maybe in theory, but I have never played a game that had “sufficient” levels of diversity and felt MORE satisfied than I would have otherwise.  I think that a lot of people give it more thought than they should.