Dr. Dick Lasers

The interaction that stood out to me was the blind magister. You had the opportunity to kill him or just walk away while he tried to compose himself to do his duty and arrest you, or you could reach out for his arm and let him stabilise himself. You later have the choice to hold him and let him know he’ll be alright

Glad to see Lobot moving on to bigger and better things.

Does this explain why io9 editors are spewing out articles regarding shows they’ve clearly never even watched(e.g. The Orville)?

This is the greatest thing I’ve seen in my 10 years of visiting Kotaku.

God I hate the attitudes of these chan-lurking 14 year old piece of shit trolls.

You know what? I’m going to give him a pass. Everyone makes mistakes, and if he’s willing to admit that he fucked up and disavow this shit, then I’m 100% supporting him on it.

I used to make anti-Semitic jokes when I was young, and then a Jewish friend punched me in the fucking mouth. I learned from that experience. I


He’s working on it. Just started his shop. Could still use the support, though~!

Women are to men as Jewish people are to Nazis?

Seek help.

“changing history so as to avoid upsetting those who weren’t there.”

Nobody who is buying the fucking game was there you tool.  

Cool so I think the one with the four ladies stepping on the dude jacking off has awakened something in me.

Thanks, Kotaku!

More this, though, please.

WAAAY more this.

You said time out because you had to refill your water.

I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in a water pistol fight...time to soak.


Fucking white pe—-oh

I haven’t played Halo since maybe ODST if even that, but I don’t recall the gun textures looking quite so N64

These guys remind me of the Stanford Rapist.

Even though I hate you and your cheap-ass sets and lame vision of the future and hammy plots and silly aliens and...

Oh look. Another teenager thinking metal covers are edgy and cool.

I’ll go back to Lindsey Stirling, now.