Are we sure the girls didn't just make it up?
Are we sure the girls didn't just make it up?
I know it's heartless, but ... good.
Honestly, I feel bad for all these dogs that are clearly misused or untrained or abused, but regardless of what got them to the point of vicious, once vicious they need to be put down.
Excellent piece Barry. Although, I'd like to offer my thoughts on a particular line: Coming out is now a stage-managed media event, scripted and choreographed in a way that ensures America receives only the most telegenic version of what at bottom is still a deeply personal act.
I've defended Macklemore in the past (I admit it, I actually like some of his stuff & respect his honesty with his addiction battle) but this is just idiotic. You knew what you were doing. And even if it was initially done "randomly," you're intelligent enough to look in the mirror and know better. (But c'mon. This…
The guy from the Big Bang Theory IS a Jewish stereotype.
The correct answer to any chicken sandwich related inquiry is always Wendy's Spicy Chicken Sandwich.
It is one of the most irresponsible things that a pet owner could do. One of the people in my old neighborhood used to just let his dog out with no supervision at all - no leash or fence, so it would just follow people around the neighborhood. This was NOT a rural area, and people regularly walked around with babies…
I hate those types of dog owners so so much. They will totally take up the defensive if you ask them to use a leash, too.
Seriously. I fucking hate when people are like "no, my dog's cool, he's just gonna wander around the yard while I tool around in the garage," and then I walk past with my two territorial-as-fuck dogs on leashes and that asshole's dog mosies over to say hello.
Should have trained it better. If one of my dogs attacked a person, I would GLADLY put him down, because then I have failed as a dog owner/trainer.
Dogs that attack children unprovoked should absolutely be put down.
Hell no that isn't sad. That dog attacked for NO REASON. It's only sad when the dog was protecting someone.
You know what? They're Muslim. Fucking deal with that.
I think it's difficult for most people to admit their ignorance the way that Kim Kardashian has with regard to racism. I don't understand the instinct to mock someone for this. Thinking that these issues are everyone else's problem is not actually that uncommon, especially for this generation. So good for her for…
I *honestly* don't understand the barely concealed vitriol towards this woman in this post. She's making money at something she seemingly enjoys and more power to her. There is nothing creepy about a woman helping her mother get into shape if that's what her mother wants. Maybe her mother wants a more shapely ass…
Favorite Jacque Nasser story...
Vidor and most of what I like to call the orange triangle is an area I like to speed through just so I can get away from that area. However I do agree with your sentiment with the rest of Texas!
I'm from the greatest state in the country, Louisiana, and I think Texas is an awesome state. My only beef is that the bars shut down at 2 am, whereas in Louisiana they don't shut down till the last person leaves. Other than that I have no issue whatsoever with Texas.