
This and the Michael Phelp’s examples are poor comparisons at best.

She has male chromosomes. That’s the issue that this article is ignoring. 

To join the choir: Deadspin’s refusal to acknowledge the complexity here is frustrating and undermines your credibility and good work elsewhere. Whether you want to draw the line at XX versus XY, or do a clustering analysis of testosterone levels (and performance); either way there is a clear basis to exclude

Why is it so difficult for people to understand that the CAS ruling ONLY APPLIES to those with 46 XY DSD. If Caster falls under this ruling, which it is apparent she does, we need to look at what 46 XY DSD means SCIENTIFICALLY. All forms of 46 XY DSD have internal testes. If she falls into this category SCIENCE has

How about the question of whether her chromosomes are XX chromosomes or XY? 

Semenya is a woman who has higher levels of testosterone than most women, like Michael Phelps has longer arms than most men.

I feel the same. All people are born with arms, not all people are born with internal testes that affect their hormones in such a way.

So the British Empire was right then? Because Killmonger’s goal is a literal quote from them.

Nakia was right.

He’d know English, but I’ll admit that he probably wouldn’t have an American accent from being born in Nigeria, raised in Senegal, and working in Australia. But honestly I don’t really care that much, it would sound silly for American William Jackson Harper to do an accent.

his character’s current shtick is wearing thin

I also loved all the continuity nods - from the verbal ones like “hot stuff”, Elanor butchering Chidi’s name and Michael going for all the Eleanor’s phrases (they are so in sync) to the references of past episodes like the tiara and sache (exactly the what Eleanor got for being a good person in one of the reboots).

With this episode establishing a new premise/setting and focused almost completely on Eleanor, I was gearing up for three more episodes focused each on the others. I didn’t realize this was the finale...

He works in academia. It means he has to publish and publish in English at that. Even if he was working in France he would still know at least some English. And it’d be hard for Eleanor to find his talks if he only did them in French. Also they established he worked in Australia as a professor in a university in his

I’m fairly certain that they’re not on Earth (just an elaborate simulation of what would’ve happened if they survived their respective deaths) - hence why Michael can just pop in and out at whim - so the translation rule would still apply.

EDIT: Forking Kinja not uploading the forking images.

I may be wrong, but I didn’t have the impression that the characters were literally brought back to life, but that they were put in another simulation to that effect.

Michael was playing with limes just like Sam used to on Cheers! Squee!

Where the fuck did they get all those Star Destroyers and the resources to build not only Starkiller, but the Supremecy, and even the Dreadnought