
He relied on the fact that he didn't want to, and that you DID want to. It has very little to do with privilege. You hated all those things but did them anyway, because you wanted to. Baby showers are not something that you are obligated to do. As to his responses, you should have just said "You don't get to

Next time have "chore sticks" that everyone grabs from a hat. Half have the post clean up work on them, half are blank. Then everyone is in the same chore pot, and the people who got blank sticks watch the game. Completely eliminates the problem

No. No we don't have to attend. If you don't want to give a gift because the husband / boyfriend didn't attend, then don't. The social response to that is on you, not the guy. Don't put the blame on the man for not showing up to something he didn't want to do in the first place. If he had wanted to go, he'd be

Please god no. I have no desire to have another crappy social obligation foisted upon me. You know why these events are women only? Because most men don't care. At all. Full Stop. Those few men who do care? They go. The rest of us want to be left the hell out. And if it becomes expected that our partners bring

Stand your ground probably won't apply in this case, and there is nothing that implies it will be a defense option for the homeowner. Even if it IS used, the homeowner needs to show threat of harm or some justification for the shooting.

You must be new here. Stay a little, you'll figure it out.

If this was actually a goal, couldn't they fix the standings without having to actually do anything?

Hm. I feel that perhaps a run them out of the country mob is in order.

SNL has had 137 cast members. 4 have been black women. Black women make up 6% of the US population, so assuming they match population percentage (which is what you seem to find important) they should have had 8.2 black women, so they aren't too far off, especially when you consider the fact that there were fewer

I will respond to this the way I always do: It is NEVER the woman's fault if they are raped.

Not too shabby. I like it, as long as he doesn't actually get back with her. Rom-Com's occasionally have the people go their separate ways right? She yelled at and then broke up with the guy over something he didn't even do. I just can't see him wanting to get back with her. Can he maybe date a girl who is a

Napoleon wasn't short. That was an English lie!

Even if he didn't create it (which I wasn't aware of), Mitt was skewered for using this binder that was provided to him, which is what this joke is also doing. There isn't anything wrong with having that binder, and that's why this joke isn't funny. He was never made fun of for not creating it. He was made fun of

I haven't attended a conference with political speakers, so I will assume that saying "invited" on the programs etc is acceptable even after they have declined (my default assumption was that you would only say invited when they have said maybe, but I defer to you).

No, I got the joke. It's just a bad joke that took one of the things Mitt Romney did that was okay and skewered him for it. It's a joke that should be put to rest.

The alternative is simply NOT believing him. This isn't a court of law, they don't get the benefit of the doubt. It's a conference with only one female speaker out of 18 in the year 2013. Of course they didn't try hard. Why on earth do you need to know their names? The fact that they were only able to find one is

Much better comment than most. Have a rec.

Yes, that's an excellent idea. Lets have this conference publish the names of every women they invited so that those women then have to answer lots of questions about why they didn't come. That will certainly encourage future participation. I'm okay with releasing the names of invited women only if they've been

I'm amused that people think keeping the resume's of people on hand is a bad thing. I'm even MORE amused that people who want women to be hired and encourage diversity are upset that someone had binders of resume's to go to for reference when choosing someone to hire.

Dining halls have limited hours. Maybe Tennessee has 24 hour dining halls, but the school I went to sure as hell didn't.