
These magazine pieces always seem to represent the exact opposite of what Jezebel says it represents.

Lisps - Not adorable. They have speech therapy to help correct that. Typically started around age 4 1/2 - 5 if it doesn't go away on it's own.

It is what they say, and it is the only part of their argument in favor of abortion restrictions that holds up under strict scrutiny, and they know it. It's why they say it. It is the part that has to be tackled if you want to change peoples minds.

It is the central part of the debate, unfortunately. To those who want to restrict abortion, it isn't a privacy issue. They believe, fervently, that a fetus is a human being, and that allowing someone to harm a human being is wrong. I'm not sure there actually is an effective way to refute this belief, or their

The logic for people who are anti-choice is as follows: A fetus is ALREADY a human being, and one human should not be able to harm another human. Now, if you also think a fetus is a human being, then you would agree with this, as killing the fetus would be murder. Since the fetus cannot defend itself, it is up to seem pretty uneducated about gun violence and murder rates. Rifles (and this is all rifles, not just assault rifles) account for fewer murders per year than murders due to hands/fist/feet. In 2010 there were 358 murders due to ALL rifles, and 745 murders due to hands/fists/feet. Knives are even deadlier

I'm confused why people here are so upset, or think she should shut up. She was asked about something she didn't know about, had it explained to her, and then said that men and women are equal, and should have equal rights. It wasn't the most eloquent, but the sentiment was there. You people complaining need to

It's almost like when the people who make up the marginalized communities do get heard, the people who don't make up the communities also start to speak out. It's crazy how that works.

Ah. So the REAL reason you are upset at Macklemore isn't that he's been compared to MLK by other people, it's that his music is ridiculous and you don't need to hear from him. Now I understand the personal insults against him despite him doing nothing against you personally, or that you find offensive. Of course,

Meh. Land is transferred throughout human history by war. That was still considered acceptable when Israel was formed. It doesn't have to exist by right, but it exists now, and it isn't going away. Accept it.

You may have the right to say what you want, but no one is obligated to give you a platform or tolerate it.

So, are we supposed to be offended or upset by this? Your headline definitely implies that we should be. Perhaps you should fix it to show that it is OK and fine that CVS doesn't want to put this guys face in any of their stores?

Pee = Sterile, Your saliva = generally sterile, already something you consume. Tears = Salty, but sterile. Sweat = Also salty, mostly sterile. Blood = Not sterile, not something to be consumed.

What. The. Fuck.

Menstrual blood, because it is blood, is absolutely more gross than Urine, which is sterile.

Menstrual blood is absolutely more gross than the following bodily fluids:

It must be insult the person you disagree with because you can't come up with an intelligent article about why you disagree week. You must feel so proud.

Alram79: That is likely true. She probably would not have gotten in anyway. That is why I used the word "if" in my last paragraph. Her getting in or not getting in is not the point. It is that we will never know if she would or would not have, because UT was using race in their admissions decisions. Whether or

Some rebuttals, so that in the future you can write a more well rounded and convincing article in support of race-based admissions.

At one point will it become acceptable to not use race in the college admissions process? This is an important question, as the basis for your argument is that white privilege exists now and that it will continue to exist for an indeterminate amount of time.