
Oh no! Are you saying people don’t want to look at overweight people they don’t find attractive??? How terrible!

Interested in the content or not, you’re wrong in assuming that Kapaernick is a good enough quarterback to play.

No, I’d say that out of touch crazy communists are definitely a bigger threat than your average conservative citizen.

Terrorism isnt typical violent crime, like gang wars, murders, etc.

Impressions don’t mean a damn thing. It’s actions that matter.

There were regular conservatives there to protest the removal of the statues. Sound like nice people to me.

Fought FOR. Is it really that hard to read properly?

Rebutting my arguments, despite you claiming how easy it is.

I would obey the instructions of the police. Seems like a pretty good way to avoid getting shot. If only people weren’t fucking moron and try to resist, nothing would happen. Cops can be bad, but they are much rarer than people trying to fight with a cop and ending up dead.

Absolutely not.

The word rights written in quotes. There it is, the real fascist here.

Yeah, it must be much better to be part of a group of idiots, like you!

Spoken like a true criminal. That’s the only person I could think of who would have a problem with police.

I am proud that we avoided a corrupt psychopath running the country, named Hillary.

There will, unfortunately, always be extremists in law enforcement, on either side.

Removing the orange tip from a toy gun and pointing it at cops is a damn sure way to get shot. No sympathy.

“WithEurope on the brink of another major war, Soviet leader Joseph Stalin (1879-1953) viewed the pact as a way to keep his nation on peaceful terms with Germany, while giving him time to build up the Soviet military.”

Actually, before that, you need a good argument, which liberals don’t have.

I’d say that President Donald Trump (which your too pussy to even acknowledge, pathetic) has a lot on his plate and needs to update the people. Natural disasters aren’t the only issue the country faces, you imbecile.

... I don’t see you doing so.