
Yeah, how dare people not wallow in the unrelenting spectre of death at all times and have the gall to think about things that are not the frailty of our mortality?

You know, I’ve reread the original comment like five times now and I still have no idea how what you said has anything to do with ANYTHING they said lol.

Annnnnd your comment stinks. Please try again.

I’m sorry for your acquaintance’s loss, but... how is that relevant to anything they said?

Gee, maybe some of “the love” went away when Disney decided what we all wanted was a slapdash sequel trilogy that made our childhood heroes miserable failures, cowards, and parents of a school shooter? And then totally undercut the finale of the original films by having Palpatine survive (more or less, clone,

The offical AV Club party line is that The Last Jedi was an amazing movie that revitalized the Star Wars franchise, and if you didn’t like it you are a sexist CHUD who deserves to rot in your parents’ basement for all eternity.

There’s a very contrarian bent when it comes to Star Wars in certain places, especially here.

Star Wars films can never be accused of being great art, but they shouldn’t be boring. TLJ was dull as hell.

Hell, The Last Jedi was one of the best things to happen to this series in decades and people are still arguing about how it was actually bad.

Because of the political dust-up over the owner’s Christian stance, and the obvious liberal bent of the GMG commentariat, it brings the clicks.  And clicks are the main metric for a site like this if it’s going to stay alive.  There is a lot of pressure, and this kind of post is an easy go-to to address that.

Chick Fil-A the company does not have any stances. The CEO does and donates his own money accordingly.

I know plenty of people who could care less about values of politics that eat there cause the food is about as good as it gets at fast food spots and the service is typically good.

Nah. What it really is that they do serve good tasting food. Their stores are clean and their service is great. Most people don’t give a shit about the political thing and they want a fast food place where the food is good, the restaurant is clean, and the service is top notch. Chick-fil-A gives them all of that.

Look, rag on Skip all you want but it’s his duty to stay abreast of the situation in Houston. Wouldn’t tit be inappropriate if he weren’t staying in the loop with titter rumors? He can’t just puff his chest out and argue with Shannon without doing his diligence.

That gets at one of the bigger issues that bugs me about the idea that Steve was Peggy’s husband in the main universe. So Captain America at or near his prime, goes back to the 50s and lives out a live incognito during the Civil Rights Movement, Vietnam, etc. If he’s in an offshoot timeline and can do whatever he

Who wants nuance and actually paying attention to the text of a movie when you have an opportunity to complain about gender politics, though?

Avengers: Age of Ultron introduced the deeply troubling, reductive idea that Black Widow saw herself as a monster because of the Red Room procedure that rendered her sterile (though some debate this).

I’m almost physically nauseated to bring this garbage out of the greys, but I just have to address it and I don’t buy into that passive aggressive screenshot horseshit that they do over at The Root...

Not in this day and age, bub!  We sit here at our computers and diss anybody trying anything new, it’s the American Waaaay!!

I didn’t finish the article cause life is short but that headline seems like it was auto generated by a twitter parody bot.

Of course this would be a topic of discussion. Someone always has to find the littlest details to complain about and make it into an issue.