
Alex Ovechkin? Really? Salty metro fan found.

Another instance of fake hate crimes.

“Just kidding.”

The title of this article just proves the 55% right.

Seeing these retards cry about The Donald just made my day.

Boo! I wanted to show my kekistani pride!

Garbage human or not, he deserves credit for opening the America’s to Europe.

I think it’s the statistic that you despise, because it doesn’t fit your narrative. You can’t really “misuse” it.

Serves her right. Freedom of expression is a right.

“I don’t wish harm on anyone.” That about sums it up, what are you complaining about? It’s pretty funny, not racist, and seriously: get off the damn road.

Gentrification is a good thing. It rebuilds and reinvigorates poor communities.

No, they’re not being silenced. They’re being called out for either violating a contract or being fucking idiots.

Any proof the cop had his gun out?

Boo hoo! He said a naughty word! Who cares? I’ll say it right now: nigger.

I really don’t care for racial politics in my superhero shows, thank you very much.

No, he isn’t worth the baggage. If he was good enough he’d have gotten picked up regardless.

Yeah, shame on the government for wanting parents to keep their children from committing crimes. How terrible!

If your kid is out robbing stores, hell yeah you should be punished.

Blaming citizens for the alleged actions of their government sounds mighty racist.

If he was good enough, he’d have been picked up.