
It falls under it, you fucking moron.

To try and educate the mindless idiots who read it such as yourself.

The Mexican cartel and assorted mafias certainly have access to some of the best military equipment. Hostage situations can be created by groups, and military grade hardware is the most efficient way to deal with them. I haven’t heard a good reason why the SHOULDNT have access to better supplies, not just “rocket

Certainly that won’t happen, because liberal arguments are so terrible that my beliefs can’t be effectively challenged.

Says the communist.

That was a misuse of police authority, thankfully it doesn’t t happen very often.

Insults won’t get you anywhere, but I’m sure your pathetic little existence has proved that.

It’s not. Not even close. Right now is the best time in human history.

Actually, ANTIFA has become fascist by trying to oppose fascism.

Conservative is not fascist. Bitch boy here needs to learn that.

It’s even worse. They’re calling do the extermination of all opposing ideologies.

No you’re an idiot for believing the liberal propaganda.

And I see that you have no ability to come up with either decent insults or responses. Hopefully you’ll shut the fuck up.

Sports and politics should stay separate anyway. If the players have the right to kneel, the cops have the right to refuse helping it.

Trump’s policies are making the country a better place. Handouts bankrupting the country and importing terrorists are not good things. Sounds like he’s doing a pretty good job to me.

There aren’t any major issues with police unions. They do far more good than harm, and cases of wrongdoing are isolated incidents.

The only plans of division were for Poland, that’s not all of Europe. Also, Stalin had nothing to do with the Holocaust, besides freeing concentration camps. Please, put up ANY reliable source before you make bullshit claims. It doesn’t matter if people agree with me, as long as what I am saying is true.

Those investigations are ongoing, or have been resolved. When a department isn’t under investigation, I am inclined to believe their reports.

Yeah, you complain about it now. But then you go out and buy those same products from the companies that you like to call out.its only because of some of these tactics that people can afford anything. Unless you want to kill the middle class, I’d stay quiet.

I was merely imitating the style of your comment, to show you how bland and stupid your comment was. If you have a problem with it, you need to fix your own writing before you can criticize mine.