
Black kids being taught to do certain things doesn’t make them true. I have spoken to many black people that claim they have never experienced racism. Hell, even Little Wayne says so.

Video of people holding BLM signs and chanting for dead cops isn’t enough for you? Jesus, you really are stuck in a bubble. Seems like pretty damning evidence to me.

There are liberals of all races, jackass. I say you liberals because you make a bullshit argument that is easily disprovable, yet you all support it.

The police use force on anyone they deem a threat, regardless of skin color. News flash: there are black cops.

I equate respect with authority. People need to respect the police, because they have to keep the peace. If people respected them, they wouldn’t need to kill or injure people for resisting as “often” as they do now.

Stalin killed people regardless of their race or religion.

Are you retarded? Are you saying the we should take handcuffs away from cops?

That’s irrelevant. If they need it, they’ll use it. If they don’t, they won’t.

Yeah, I prioritize my family over other people. Is that a problem?

If a cop commits a hate crime or unnecessary murder, they are punished for it. Most of the time, they are actually justified, either in self defense or with provocation.

There are several other instances.

Are you retarded? Or a moron? Or a retarded moron? There definitely aren’t living people that are this stupid.

1. They had a nonagression pact to avoid war. That is a fact.

I’m more inclined to believe the police than the people who hate their guts.

Not yet. But don’t forget about the Republican baseball shooting, the Dallas shooter, and several other events that could lead to a similar situation with ANTIFA.

Well, it means he sure as hell couldn’t come up with anything to counter my arguments.

I’d say anyone trying to harm police or the people they are defending is a bad person. Do you disagree?

In Nordic countries, almost everyone owns a gun, and crime there is practically non-existent. It also makes sense. Criminals are going to commit crimes anyway. Gun laws don’t matter to them, just like any other laws. It just leaves citizens defenseless to the thugs that do have them.

It’s something they are trained to do. I’d say it’s part of the job. They’re not just fighting fascism, they’re attacking people that disagree with their Anarcho-communist agenda. That’s not anti-fascism.

That’s what I’m saying: ANTIFA IS JUST AS BAD as the people they claim to be fighting against.