
Leave it to someone with the intellect of a two year old to tell me what my ideology is. Thank you.

Problem is, they go around attacking people they disagree with, Nazis or otherwise. That should not be tolerated.

I used it to change the topic to my ancestors, which is what I was talking about, not Stalin. Here’s a word for you: dumbass.

Then so is “jews will not replace us.” Why do you get your panties in a twist over one and not the other? Both are radical calls for violence.

The tanks come out in volatile situations. If they’re being used, it’s because bad guys have already gotten out of hand. Pretty easy to spot guys in masks attacking people.

...and many of the people at the March were there in support of BLM. It wasn’t exclusively them, but they were definitely there. I have no problems with black or brown people, unless I’m dealing with retards like you. Our society caters to minorities now, affirmative action boosting scores, NAACP, racial quotas. I

Are you blind or retarded? I said “Stalin killed people, yes.”

And 95 people have been killed by Islamic terror since 9/11. Try again.

But... My ancestors fought for their lives, and some died. I support them, not Stalin. Fucking moron.

That’s not at all what I said...

That cop said “we only kill blacks” as a bit of dark, sarcastic humor. The cop who attacked the nurse was crazy, but she was white, so it doesn’t help you racist cop logic. The “innocent” people often resist arrest, and when they do so are no longer innocent, like the ones BLM likes to talk about.

Without white supporters, there is no Democratic party. Hopefully it’ll just fall apart, and real politicians can finally get stuff done.

The evidence doesn’t lie, especially when it’s a video. Doesn’t matter where it’s from.

They’re using violence for political gains. Sounds pretty radical. They are thugs because they commit crimes, like assault, vandalism, arson, and theft. Yeah, sound like terrorists.

Are you saying you don’t respect the sacrifices of the Red Army? If it weren’t for them, there wouldn’t be a Europe.

I’m not going to waste any more of my time debating with someone who has such a blatantly incorrect view of the world. I cant even argue with someone who has things as ass backwards as you do.

This comment is incredibly poorly written, and incredibly stupid. Please try to write above a first grade level next time.

Stalin killed lots of people, yes. But the Soviets rid the world of Nazism. BTW, a nonagression pact is not allied. Simultaneous invasions (Poland) are not allied. Merely a truce. You see how much the USSR suffered? That’s what they were trying to avoid: 20 million dead citizens.

There were regular free speech Americans at the rally to protest the removal of the statue, and there were violent leftists. Sounds like good and bad people on both sides.