
They attack people who disagree with them, riot in cities and trash everything, and are too pussy to show their face. Sounds like a bunch of radical thugs to me.

Tolerating is not the same as being complicit. At the time, the Soviets were not ready for a war with Germany, which they saw as inevitable, so they bides their time. Communism and Nazism are polar opposites, if you call them the same you are an idiot. Please don’t try to rewrite history to your bullshit narrative,

What the fuck are you talking about? Are you retarded? Did your mommy help you type that? I am not a fascist. Voicing your opinion is not an act that puts people in imminent danger, like shouting “bomb” or “fire.” Please, read a book, any book, before you try and debate.

...And eyewitness statements saying that they didn’t hear anything and that over the noise, no one else could have.

Well, if there was no violence, I would call it peaceful. Also, by your logic, BLM chanting “What do we want? Dead Cops!” is an act that should also be condemned, but I have yet to see you or the left do so.

Donald Trump and Republicans HAVE denounced white supremacists, many times. The left, however, had yet to denounce ANTIFA.

That’s... Not at all what I was saying. I would never support an ideology that killed any of my relatives, and they certainly fought for their lives. Also... There was a truce between them to avoid war. I wouldn’t call that support.

Name calling doesn’t win any arguments. Try again, but this time, do better.

The official report is that the cops couldn’t hear the gunfire over the crowd. Nice try though.

Crazy agenda being Anarcho-communism. That good enough for you?

It’s something cops train for and something they are prepared to do. I would say that it is part of the job, because sometimes it is expected of them.

They were armed for self defense, expecting violent resistance that they shouldn’t have. They were within their rights.

ANTIFA is concerned with pushing their own Anarcho-communist agenda. They hide it by fighting people expressing their opinion. No matter what anyone says, they should not expect violence. I have yet to see ANTIFA accomplish anything other than attack demonstrators and shut down free speech rallies.

First of all, I would never support an ideology that killed so many of my relatives. Second, ANTIFA is TRYING to suppress free speech, which is the problem. These groups should be considered extremist.

If you think that you are an absolute retard, and I have no idea how you function as a member of society.

Yes, I agree that at Charlottesville the police didn’t do a good job trying to prevent violence. Military equipment may have indeed helped disperse crowds.

You done? Do you have anything that can actually add to this conversation? No? That’s what I thought. Sit down, and shit the fuck up.

Chairman Mao disagrees. Also, I couldn’t care less about Stalin. I’m saying that I would never support the ideology that killed my great grandparents and robbed my grandmother of a normal childhood.

We’re not in Germany, retard. In the US, people have free speech. I don’t care what anyone says, as long as they have the right to say it.