
Here, let me spell it out for you. You protect the good people by killing the bad people. Seems pretty obvious.

1. Those weapons would only be used in incredibly volatile situations, I doubt that civilians would be around.

1. The Republicans do not support White Supremacists, and have denounced them many times. You can’t control who supports you.

How many times do I have to say it before it gets through your pathetic tiny brain: I’m not a fascist. You, however, might be, by trying to withhold the Constitutional right of free speech from people you disagree with.

This situation isn’t just for riots, it can apply to gang wars, hostage situations, and terrorist attacks. The equipment can be brought in much faster if the police have access to it.

The military equipment is ment to “intimidate” the people in an already violent situation or riot. mostly to difuse “radical” demonstrations. The armored vehicles can quickly cause mobs to disperse. Don’t take my words out of context. I know you love to yell “fascist!” Sorry to disappoint.

How does it make the country any worse?

There are plenty of talks you can see online. Most of them are full of lies or are incredibly vague. I have an idea on what it’s it’s like to be black in today’s American: the exact same as being any other race. Poverty or riches aren’t exclusive to any race.

Now if only you were...

I believe everything I write.

That’s what they say they are, but really it’s a group of Anarcho-communists.

And you’re a stupid asshole, who refused to acknowledge anything outside your own echo chamber.

First of all, the “talk” is a load of shit because it’s full of lies. Second, blacks make up only ~14% of the population, so not 1/2. Third, more white people are killed by police every year, despite statistically that black people are 7 times more likely to commit a crime. Fourth, most of those “regular as clockwork”

Tightening gun laws just makes criminals even more dangerous, because they’re going to get their hands on them anyway, and that leaves the average citizen in more danger. Also, I do think that cop-screening could be more rigorous, so that there wouldn’t be ANY racist cops.

Even if I was a fascist, wouldn’t I have a right to voice my opinion? So you could debate me?

Because I was around before Obama, and I haven’t seen them use it anywhere else? There may be a few exceptions, but really it’s for when things get way out of hand.

Make me, faggot.

I couldn’t care less about your comment.

Yes, there are crazy cops out there. It happens, and is always a risk that we should try to minimize. Thing is, the military gear was almost exclusively used for riots and serious crimes anyway, so he wouldn’t have used it on the nurse anyway.

There are many important historical figures that you can argue saved hundreds of lives. Historically, she is rather insignificant.