
This seems to be something I have repeat often around you liberals. Not everyone who disagrees with you is a fascist. Just because you’re too much of an idiot to come up with a decent argument, doesn’t mean that I’m a “Nazi” or whatever else CNN told you conservatives were.

Wow, you definitely got creative, I’ll give you that. However, you failed to prove any of my points wrong, which suggests that you are scrambling around in that tiny brain of yours, trying to come up with even the tiniest reason to justify your miserable, pathetic existence.

Very much so. The lifting of this ban in particular makes the country safer from radicals without suppressing anyone’s rights.

I could care less???

There’s also more violent crime here than in European countries, and higher respect for the police there. When I said it’s part of the job, I slightly misspoke. It’s something that cops are trained for and are prepared to do, because sometimes the situations they are put in require it.

Based on your generic insult and lack of a rebuttal, I certainly have a much higher IQ than you do. So tell me how retarded are YOU?

Crime is crime, and nobody should tolerate it, no matter what it is.

Tanks make a show of force, a warning, if you will. If you think that right wingers are such a threat, wouldn’t you support this re-arming too? It’s almost as if it’s about keeping people safe from crazy protestors, instead of whatever bullshit you say.

Those bills aren’t in circulation anymore, so that point is invalid. At the time or those bills creation, those were certainly relevant people. Jackson is considered to be one of the worst presidents ever for the Natives, but he really did accomplish a lot for the United States, as president and general. As for coins,

Sorry, what does arming the cops with better equipment have to do with bigotry or fascism?

Killing people is part of the job, and for the most part, it helps keep people safe, despite occasional mishaps. ANTIFA terrorize for their own crazy agenda. I’d say there’s a big difference here.

It’s a shame you didn’t drown in the flooding.

But those are relatively minor things. She really didn’t accomplish or do all that much, it’s just her symbol as an icon.

I didn’t say important, I said significant to the history of the US.

I don’t want money with crap written on it. These people are actually supporting a crime, and it needs to stop.

First it’s medicine, then it’s everything else. It’s a slippery slope.

Officials aren’t restricting it because they’re racist, they’re doing it because of public safety. If any other parade was being used as a cover for serious crime, they’d limit that one, too. I for one, agree.

He has a right to remove anyone he wants from his inner circle. Also, I seriously doubt that she was showing him “the facts.” Liberals tend not to care too much about those.

If they didn’t have the proper gear, it’s all they could have done. It’s a tragedy, but you really don’t threaten the cops. For those saying the cops could have left, they didn’t know what she might do to the kids.

Money should be restricted to founding fathers or figures that are very significant to US history. Harriet Tubman is neither.