
Reported. Defacing and vandalizing currency is a crime.

I support the lifting of the ban. As ANTIFA has shown, when things get out of control the cops need the additional support, it’s much better than calling in the national guard. The “new” MAD painting, by the way, hasn’t been accurate for over 60 years.

And there are plenty of organizations and laws that help people who need essential items. It’s not a perfect system, but it’s definitely the best one that’s been implemented. Socialism, which I assume you are supporting, is unsustainable.

Yes, unchecked businesses can do some really shady shit. But he’s talking about restricting the market, not regulating the laws a business has to follow.

No, I actually think that all cultures should be recognized and accepted. However, I don’t see how removing existing cultures, even white ones, would support that.

Not like anyone was really hurt but it. Opressive regimes that close the markets tend to do a lot worse things than this, you idiot.

They already tried non-lethal, and maybe didn’t have the time or backup for a plan like that. Was it the best way to deal with the man? Maybe not. But it is justified.

It’s a shame, people wanting to help your city when a shithead like you lives in it. You make me regret donating blood and cash to support Houston, knowing that you might get even pennies of that. Fuck off.

You fucking retard. I can’t even believe what these morons are saying. Essentially, they into desire to help a group of victims because of their race. Why??? Why not focus on helping all of the affected people, instead of JUST the black ones. Are you for fucking real? Me, trying to help everyone, is the hateful

Please, educate me on why you think suppressing the market would EVER be a good idea.

The cops were justified in their shooting here. They tried to de-escalate it, and he was armed and dangerous. There wasn’t much else they could have done, even if they knew he was mentally ill.

What are you, some kind of racist? So many people were affected by this storm, lost their homes, cars and livelihoods. But, for some reason, you only seem to care about the black ones. Really??? You’re that petty??? When someone is in danger and needs help, skin color should be the LAST thing you worry about.

Oh no! People called you out for making jokes and stereotyping a race!!! I am shocked!!! I thought only you people did that type of thing. Seriously, you can’t complain about it when white women call you out, and then complain when white people do it to you.

And what if I told you I didn’t care about your black ass feelings? You see the double standard? “You’re lumping us together! I’m a smart black person!”

Are you an idiot? He/she directly and explicitly said that all white people were racist, and that it was genetic. It really doesn’t get more racist than that. If it was any other race, you would be shutting it down. Good job, L’Oreal. You can’t champion diversity and acceptance while supporting people like this.

I don’t see how that is a threat from him. Its obviously a joke about his constituency. He never said that he or anyone else would do anything.

Really? This kind of investigation because of a one time joke? People are taking this to seriously.

Care to explain why?

Again, I don’t really care. But neither should anyone else.

I’m not saying I would complain about more black wrestlers, I’m just saying there is simultaneously no reason there should/shouldn’t be more black stars.