I'll take an Arnold Palmer with Booze

I’m willing to go pedantic in this instance:

If I catch someone in Blackface, I’m not confronting them. I’m calling the police with an anonymous tip that they were acting strange and let the sparks fly.

The Republicans will never, ever impeach Trump, unless the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (the Murdochs, Mercers, Kochs and Adelsons) who own the Party would withdraw their support from Trump first. They’re just too afraid of the base to risk that.

My guess is she has brothers and sisters, and doofus knocked on his ass and looking for a flag from the refs is an only child. I bet she looks more graceful throwing a baseball, too.

No, that is not what a President is supposed to do — lobby and advocate for people committing crimes that are even illegal in your own country.

Why should the president be involved in a petty theft case? Should this president or any other give two shits?

Ball’s mother is white. Maybe that was enough for Donald?

Wow. Trump knows these kids are black, right?

You could just say you hate fun.

As long as fanboys defend the “Martha” nonsense, it will never stop being funny.

Martha jokes will stop being funny when that film stops being shitty.

It’s the new Bat Nipples and will never not be funny.

Also, someone should inform Jimbo that JOSEPH DIDN’T IMPREGNATE MARY, GOD DID.

Spending $2500~ to build an entire keyboard of these would be a sound investment

“What kind of name is “SAMER”????”

Trump is easier to play than a fiddle.

Just chiming in to say that I hope Hannity dies sooner rather than later.

I’m starting to doubt there ever were simpler times. Sure technology is pretty complicated, but seems to me people have always been dumb. Sometimes because they had no choice, other times because they wanted to be.

Should’ve been you, Curt Schilling. curse is finally taking effect.