Short answer: No.
Short answer: No.
I’m “a big fan of Nathan Bedford Forrest” is one of the more unique ways I’ve seen someone say “I’m a racist.”
Why do people insist on giving her the benefit of the doubt? In the past she has only come around to more progressive ideas when it directly impacted her. She was a bad person when she worked at Fox News. She is a bad person now that she works at NBC. She will be a bad person at her next job.
He looks like Gabe from the Office.
For someone who is making fun of people for being unable to read, you are making an awful lot of grammatical errors.
Jim is going to take away health care?
It is depressing that people are so willfully ignorant and racist. It makes me angry.
You’re right. I fear that we will never enact any kind of meaningful gun control in this country because of the spineless, greedy politicians that we have chosen to represent us. Also, the gun nuts who care more about their guns than anyone else’s right to continue living.
I was coming here to say the same thing. If mental health is the problem, then why is this administration making it more difficult to get access to mental health care and easier for the mentally ill to get access to guns?
Glennon played against the Steelers.
Nancy wishes she was a mediocre white woman. She is 100% trash. The worst of the worst.
Wishful thinking.
He’s not bad, but 90% of his current day output is trash. Shameless moneygrabs, or a paid vacation with his friends. I don’t imagine any article, or performance could convince me to seek out anything he is in at this point.
Was that response really from a professional publicist? If so, yikes.
The majority of them are also very stupid. I feel like this often gets neglected when the negative traits of these people. Wealth does not equal intelligence, especially when you consider that so many of these terrible people inherited their wealth as opposed to earning it through business acumen.
I don’t know why, but seeing the word “ignorance” in your inane post cements in my mind that you have a neckbeard, a fedora collection, and a waifu.
Because he is a crook.
I don’t know guys, she sounds like a coward.
I’m fairly certain that Netflix is not producing The Mist. I think it’s on Spike TV.