I'll take an Arnold Palmer with Booze

I am fairly confident that Trump will not leave the White House regardless of who wins the next two elections.

He might be fired, but he won’t be prosecuted.

Was coming here to say exactly that. She is a warrior for causes that have directly impacted her. Even if something may in the future impact her life, she does not give a shit about it until it actually does. She is very short sighted and very mean spirited, but coming from Fox that does not surprise me.

He isn’t going to say anything. Even if he did, nothing is going to happen to papa. Congress will not do anything to 45. It is great that these weasels are exposed for what they are, but there will be no consequences. 45 will serve this term and likely win his re-election bid. Even if he loses, do you have

Shawon Dunston. He was an average fielding, light hitting shortstop, but he was a Cub so I loved him. Why I preferred him to Sandberg, Gracie, or the Hawk is a complete mystery to me.

Why do they need a law? These cops are out here murdering people and not doing time without a law.

For now. All of these morons and scumbags apologize then get right back to being terrible before too long.

In the dick?

One of the White House Nazis was raised in a open minded liberal household as well.

It has got to be terrible where they’re coming from. If you look at how our politicians and policies are being shaped in regards to the trans AND immigrant community, they’re not exactly welcoming, but they’re willing to risk it.

Because of course he is.

Lying sounds better than “I inherited a company now allegedly worth billions of dollars and literally everything I have created by myself has crashed and burned, because I am a short fingered moron.” Plus, his most ardent supporters will believe anything he says.

That mouth breather probably believes he’s qualified to be a lawyer after that role. Big Trump fan that one.

Guys, don’t worry about our country. The people running it aren’t evil. They’re just incompetent. We’re all going to be fine. I’m sure they’ll all have it figured it out before you know it. /s

To be fair, he has heard the millions of people that disagree with him and he does not care. He, like the majority of GOP leadership, do not care about you. They do not care about anyone but themselves. It doesn’t matter what you say, or how loudly you say it, he will ignore you.

Wow. This sounds awful.

He is not going to say anything worth a damn. It’s important not to bury our heads in the sand, but let’s not pretend that any of these scumbags are ever going to face justice. Trump will pardon them if charges are officially brought. The best that we can hope for is that Trump loses in 2020 and actually leaves

He’s a stupid person, and stupid people cannot be bothered with facts. Facts are the natural enemy of stupid people. See also: Trump, Donald.