Since shameless grandstanding is the only thing this administration seems to understand, it’s time to take the fight back to them.
Since shameless grandstanding is the only thing this administration seems to understand, it’s time to take the fight back to them.
Two of the best players to come out of Duke think the world is flat, dinosaurs didn’t exist, 9/11 may or may not have been an inside job, and do “research” by reading random instagram pages. I blame Coach K.
Two guys who went to Duke think they’re smarter than everyone else, color me surprised.
Because everyone knows skinny people never get sick or die.
Especially if you happen to be a woman.
That question could also have ended after the first four words
“There are some very good players on both sides, on both sides.”
I could do without seeing or hearing from that fascist, dictatorial, tyrant at all tonight if you ask me.
In his defense, I’m sure ESPN would hurl some gotcha questions at him, like “Which team do you want to win?” and “What sport is this?”
Yeah, that guy’s 32. I’d feel sorry for him were he not sentient shit
It’s hard to tell on the internet, but you know that was a different guy with the same last name, right?
If he wanted to kill black people, why didn’t he just become a cop?
I doubt most of Trump’s base could bring themselves to vote for a woman, no matter what her last name and inbred pedigree.
I’d tell Mike Pence to go eat a bag of dicks, but I think that deep down he’d really enjoy that.
It’s a museum to baseball
I don’t necessarily disagree with any of that(other than the third where I don’t want to get into your “Whether they like it or not they have to be an International Baseball Hall of Fame” thing).
Specifically tied to playing in MLB except for players specifically barred from playing in the MLB- it might seem like a technicality but I think the distinction is pretty important. I don’t doubt that when a player like Matsui is eligible for the VC he will get significantly more push than the writers might because…
She was? Where did you glean that? What I’m seeing is a stunning lack of self-awareness.
Yet there comes a point where a person is so heinous, it doesn’t matter. Fuck them.