I'll take an Arnold Palmer with Booze

One word: woman.

“letting them know the vote had put Alaska’s future with the administration in jeopardy,”

I think it’s given Scaramucci sucks at his job, given that Trump’s administration is made up of fuckups who have no idea what they’re doing.

I know this is a troll article but putting both Ænima and Sargent Pepper On this list is a travesty.

It’s good to see that, in what might be his last major senate vote as he fights for his very life, John McCain is still able to summon up the strength to be a total piece of shit.

“Some of the people that are opposed to this, there are female senators from the Northeast... If it was a guy from South Texas, I might ask him to step outside and settle this Aaron Burr-style,”

Trump failed at casinos, football, steaks, and America.

If you believe Scaramucci—you shouldn’t—Trump has thrown a perfect spiral through a tire.

Supposedly Spicer resigned because this guy is terrible. Let that sink in. He’s so bad that even Spicer won’t carry water for him.

He’s going to spend more time lying to his family.

Youre blocking my driveway, so let me destroy the tires, so you cant move from blocking my drive way. Makes sense...

Ah yes. He’s mad that trucks are parked in front of his property. The logical action is to render them immobile.

Looks fun. Can’t possibly end well.

Two obvious takes

Yeah, I really enjoyed when he candidly further denigrated marginalized people in the United States.

What? He’s not candid at all, he lies about everything. Constantly.

LOL. Nope. Not going to happen. I wish! But no.

Womens right to vote
—Let’s be honest, you wouldn’t be surprised by that

Not necessarily. See:

Also the two likeliest subjects my uncle starts complaining about after his fourth 7-and-7.