No, I understand it completely. We both know what’s going to happen here. I just hit fast forward, because let’s be honest… Neither of us is watching this hot garbage.
No, I understand it completely. We both know what’s going to happen here. I just hit fast forward, because let’s be honest… Neither of us is watching this hot garbage.
She won’t make him look like an idiot. Everyone needs a voice now. Even unhinged Nazis. You don’t want to risk alienating the moderate Nazis.
I mean, this seems like common goddamn sense. What did she think was gonna happen? Is everyone a fucking idiot now? Am I an idiot? Are we all idiots? Is this life?
I cannot believe how sheltered these people (Trump supporters (and family)) are. They call US snowflakes while whining (non-stop) on facebook about how mean we are to Trump, TRUMP! A person who built an empire on being mean, a person who whined about Obama for 7 years.
if We The People have to put up with him, you should have to do the same, Melania
But being unaware of the law doesn’t free you of the consequences of breaking it. I didn’t realize you had to drive for 100 yards in a lane before changing to another lane, but the ticket I paid and the point on my car insurance are the consequences for breaking that law.
“He’s [Trump] just new to this”. New to what?
Retire, old man, you’re fucking useless. You can cluck your dessicated tongue and wag your bony finger at Trump’s antics all you want, but you don’t actually do a goddamn thing about it.
You people are you really expect umpires to watch every play?
And her brother is the founder of Blackwater. Too bad they all didn’t die in a house fire.
Yeah. Different committee, same vile words.
Wait... didn’t I just read this exact same story like 3 weeks ago???
Dear Potential Griz,
FOX NEWS… Blaming Islamic terrorism on Mexicans since 1865*
So a few months ago one of my dogs was attacked and seriously hurt by another dog at the dog park. The owner ran away when she saw that my dog was injured, and when I saw her again, she refused to give me her name because she said her dog only attacks dogs who deserve it, so it was clearly my dog’s fault.
My favorite response was “There has never been a terrorist attack at my house. I masturbate incessantly. Draw your own conclusions.”