I'll take an Arnold Palmer with Booze

In 2020, new students in a GroupMe chat shared racist jokes and mocked feminists.

Trump gets owned harder and more often by Khans than the Starship Enterprise.

And sorry to double post...but I’d just like to reiterate my point that no reporter seems willing to address... Since the DOD claimed that climate change was the greatest threat to national security, does the transitive logic now imply that Donald Trump is the greatest threat to national security?

Its almost like, for capitalism to work, people in the lower economic strata have to have the ability to consume.

Fat jokes about Whitlock almost seem counter-productive at this point because there are so many truly awful things about him.

Piss off DJT Jr..... I completed the Murph in 3 minutes and 15 seconds

I’m stunned by the doubting Thomas tone of your story, Patrick.

This family keeps finding new ways to get people to hate them. You gotta respect that.

I would buy that (this is a lie, I will never buy this but let’s go with it) if he looked ANYTHING like the bitmoji other than the blackface he chose to slap on. But let me see, hmm, no tank top, no blue glitter or whatever in his hair, no bow, no (fake) glasses. Just blackface and a similarly decorated sign. Totally

Ugh. Megyn Kelly is the personification of a full-body cringe.

This twerp and Jared Kushner have both perfected the “Creepy henchman that tortures the hero after he gets caught” look. Very believable as sadists.

I keep forgetting this homie’s only 31. Dude looks like a used up q-tip.
His DNA just screams “insurance salesman with sex predator charges.”

He deserves that and more for this Tweet and his ass-forward column criticizing Gabby Douglass for not putting her hand over her heart during the Anthem once.

Why don’t any of their caps have bills? Seems weird to me.