That kids mom and dad dont come off as being great role models either...
That kids mom and dad dont come off as being great role models either...
That mom has an office in the White House, she should have an opinion about the current events, even a shitty one. No one cares if she loves her son or not.
I eagerly await Schilling’s calm, respectful, measured response....
I bet he’s been to a few parties in blackface.
He’s never been IN the black either.
Mr. Trump, a hasty and indifferent reader of printed briefing materials
I believe he coined the term!
He needs to be forced out of office, preferably in handcuffs. But not killed, and especially not on foreign soil, which would only make a martyr of him.
Throw up in your mouth time.
“Both. Can he have a stroke while in custody?”
A prosecutor badgering him into an early grave would be nice, too.
If he dies, we just get Pence and 45 becomes some sort of sick martyr. Jail/impeachment is better because then his whole operation is totally disgraced. On the other hand, him completely ceasing to exist would be just wonderful, however we go about it.
So he picked a really common problem, and ended up being right. woo!
What are the odds that he could have predicted that someone would die from... the leading cause of death in the US?
If you tell enough people to watch out for high blood pressure you are eventually going to get this one right. Especially in the US. Most of the people in my family have high blood pressure. Statistically, someone is likely to have a health problem related to it. You almost can’t lose with this, either you accurately…
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Yeah, I think he might. I see this as an erosion of self-control that comes of dealing with mendacious liars (of which the Trump admin has many). I assume that most of them roll their eyes at Spicer hourly. And some shake their heads...
I predict there will be 3-5 million stars cast for this comment illegally.