At some point soon we’re getting a LOLAmerica header, right?
At some point soon we’re getting a LOLAmerica header, right?
It’s almost as if being rich and being smart don’t necessarily go hand in hand.
Congratulations, grads. You managed to take one of the more boring experiences of life (sitting and listening to people dispense mindless platitudes about life) and turn it into an exciting event filled with drama and tension. And you got to make Betsy DeVos appear deeply uncomfortable. You kids are awesome, and…
I know most of her ideas about how to properly educate American children are really dumb, but jesus christ, how fucking stupid does she have to be to think that this was going to go well for her?
How on Earth did she get invited to be the commencement speaker at a university, much less an HBCU campus? This is on that school’s administration.
Oh shut the fuck up.
The most hilarious thing about Ted Cruz defending the Muslim ban is that for decades, and I literally mean decades, Ted Cruz has bragged about how he has the Constitution memorized.
Isn’t that the whole point of democracy, if your boss is acting like a tool?
Well, to be fair, I’m sure DT thought Phaedra Parks was that lady who sat on the bus that one time.
My heart just grew three sizes
And if a fan yelled loud enough in center field for Adam Jones to hear the N-word, I guarantee you we would’ve heard and seen fans around on CNN on MSNBC, they would’ve found multiple fans to talk about what a racist piece of junk Boston is.
Curt, just because you weren’t personally there, doesn’t mean there wasn’t someone screaming racist things.
“If somebody did say it, we’re going to see it and hear about it,”
Racists never think anything is racist because to them racist is normal.
His mistake was thinking that #45 cares about anyone who isn’t white and doesn’t make over a million a year.
To be fair, those stigmata wounds in his hands open easily.
I was pitching to my 3.5-year-old last night and he nailed one over the fence into the neighbor’s yard. He was so excited, jumping up and down and running around. Hurt like hell to hit him in the head with the next pitch.
The best revenge is living well. Continuing to hit monstrous HRs would be one good answer to the stupidity. And I’m a Sox fan.