I'll take an Arnold Palmer with Booze

It’s not stupidity, it’s selfishness. Letting these people claim stupidity is, in a way, letting them off the hook. She knew what Trump was, she just didn’t care when stacked against her rich person interests. Now a response is expected of her when he reveals just what a shit he is and she’s given the bare minimum to,

Things you knew you were going to get with Hillary: Equal rights, respect, the protection of the government. Quelle horreur.

Oh, shut the fuck up, Caitlyn.

More like Sean DooALot, dontcha think? Dontcha?

Tommy Lee Jones don’t care about your Tommy Lee Jones face adoration.

It’s a mature reading of the situation that relies on nuance to make its point.

Alternate take: Dan Snyder thinks negative stories are good for the team. It pretty much explains every move Dan Snyder has made since buying the team...

Anyone with a spine would turn down a job offer from this joke of administration. See: Everyone Trump tried to get to replace Flynn as NSA, until Trump figured out that an active military guy wasn’t allowed to say no.

I got a problem with this. At best he’s number 11, with an asterisk next to it.

Amishspin did a similar piece entitled “Wow! Look Upon Colby Rasmus’s Beard, And Ovulate.”

Rumspringa training.

Certainly not! And, of course, while they disagreed with Obama politically, they recognized he had legitimately won the election and never supported Republican efforts to obstruct his agenda, because that would be hypocritical in light of their current complaints that Democrats are obstructing Donald Trump.

His voters would also like you to know that at no point on social media have they expressed outrage at the frequency or taxpayer cost of another president’s leisure activities.

Well, I will say this. I am very sure he’s not being hypocritical about this, and I’m sure if you looked at his twitter history there would be no tweets criticizing a certain politician for spending too much time playing golf rather than running the country.

Funny, because I wish Donald trump was fighting anti-Semitism.

When you have to go back over half a century to find examples....

We have to amplify this shit because it’s so easy for it to get lost in the cacophony, but this is 100% illegal and we cannot let it stand. Let’s be loud.

Me being heterosexual and straight, and being vocal in my identity as a straight woman was huge.This means she told dykes theyre going to hell, right?

“Pardon me?”

I used the “other” selection