I'll take an Arnold Palmer with Booze

I really hope the Mets don’t waste a camp invite on someone who has proven he can’t play baseball at the Major League level. I get that he’s a really nice guy and used to be a famous star, but this whole David Wright spectacle needs to come to an end.

His career was only dead 3 days.

I don’t think he’s in any rush to sign anywhere. I think he’s wanting to sign at a latter day

Yeah I guess you could blame politics but have you heard the music kids are listening to these days?

This is such bullshit. The Athletics are only a “large market” team if you judge the size of the market by the number of people in the area compared to other markets.

It was better than the alternative celebration planned by Isiah, which involved sexually harassing a dozen or so Hoosier co-eds.

Such a ridiculous double standard when it comes to catching your spouse masturbating. The few times I’ve caught my wife or found out about it later I’m like “Hey now, that’s hot...want some company?” But whenever she catches me it’s all “Gross! What’s wrong with you? At least wait until the funeral is over!”

I’ve read the majority of the shit/vomit/horrific leg injury posts on this site without so much as a smirk or slight squirm, and yet, that kid food eating nightmare of a question and answer might be the most disgusting thing I’ve seen here.

Barring Céspedes going all Jason Heyward on everyone, this looks to be a legitimately good move by the Mets.

I have a hard time believing that guy didn’t want toupée.

When did Phil Spector get out?

Even without the bullshit “pussification of America” nonsense, that column, as excerpted, is stupid.

I have but one start to give, so you also get a GIF to show my appreciation for that joke.

Paterno probably could have avoided the injury had he not been too busy looking the other way.

[rhythmic clapping sound]

Someone should explain to Mr. Trump that the internment camps are a horrific stain on this nation’s character.

I have a dream

“Milwaukee, Minnesota...nobody gives a fuck about the Midwest anyway.”

In difficult times such as these, it’s nice to see Americans go back to the one unifying, unambiguously good past-time that has lasted them for over 240 years: kicking the shit out of the Irish.

Yet, this fact does not bring me joy.