I'll take an Arnold Palmer with Booze

This whole time we assumed IF there was one personality ESPN needed more than the other way around it was Bill Simmons. Turns out it’s actually Skip Bayless.

but he’s not a successful businessman. If fact, everything he’s done on his own has been an abject failure. His focus is going to be figuring out ways to funnel public money into his pockets.

Dear Stan,


On the bright side, political satire is going to be fucking brilliant until he bans it.

I give him three months before he goes, “Fuck this. I am outta here.” This is a man who has been handed everything to him on a silver platter his entire life. He didn’t have to roll up his sleeves and work his knuckles to the bone for anything. And now he is going to take what is arguably the most stressful and

You’re not wrong... but c’mon, Trump isn’t the solution to whatever problems the DNC has.

Not just an asshole. A stupid asshole.

Said this elsewhere, but it bears repeating... Clinton, Obama, et al were right about one thing: this election was about what kind of country we are. And the electorate has decided: we are an asshole. Of the assholes, by the assholes, for the assholes. And now we have an Asshole-in-Chief. Van Jones is right, we are a

I have nothing to say other than I have honestly never been so ashamed to be an American as I am tonight.

You ask me, supporting a racist rapist who has zero policies and only stokes bigotry and hatred makes someone a pretty terrible person. But, then again, I’m a queer woman whose friends are largely women, queer folks, and POCs. You know, the people Trump and his followers hate and plan to punish for existing.

I think Trump cares about police shootings. He just thinks there aren’t enough.

All he wanted was a Pepsi, just one Pepsi. But they wouldn’t give it to him.

That’s not a hot take. It is a reasonable take. “Hot take” =\= “take I disagree with.” The Pats are hateable, and glowing support of a monster is a perfectly good reason to hate them more.

Yet another reason to despise the New England Scoundrels

“But in truth, there is no curse more regrettable than becoming the Boston of the Midwest.”

I take some comfort knowing no matter how bad we get, it won’t be as bad as Bill Simmons after the Red Sox won.

I’m taking a day to indulge the happiness of Cubs fans then I’m going back to cheering against them.

Yeah. I still don’t think he actually faked the bloody sock. But I now believe he is the type of person who would do it.

Have you considered parking legally?