
Anything else is wrong.

Who cares about the total number of shops or restaurants that exist in the airport. I am not about to leave my particular terminal to go to another one, because going through security is a PITA. 

No, what was even more impressive is they allowed him to merge. Try that shit in New Jersey.

Victim blaming is a real and particularly heinous thing, but I’m not sure what the police are supposed to do here. Victim blaming and rape apology are systemic, cultural problems, but what the police are facing here is a specific attacker or group of attackers that aren’t likely to be swayed by slow-changing societal

“Good regulations, good policies, are ones in which the benefits outweigh the costs,

For fucks sake, get Erik Shilling off this blog.

Haha! You misspelled Kunt.

Honestly I dont get all the hate for Musk. Yeah he says and does some pretty questionable things, but you cant argue with the fact that he really does try to change the world for the better. 

This treatment is the kinda shit that turns people from hopeful immigrants who respect America to terrorists and criminals who want to burn it all down.

This is literally the dumbest thing I’ve read in months.

This all happened in Lumberton, North Carolina yesterday.

“Enthusiasts”, I prefer to call them “douchebags”.

The Vera concept

Self drving trucks always brings this to mind for some reason.....

This one:

We could save time by compiling a list of things he does understand.

Now playing

What’s the Aussie version of Craigslist?

After this meeting FUCK TRUMP. He’s a weak willed piece of shit thats easily lead by the nose (not that it was much of a surprise.). America first my fucking ass. He’s a fucking traitor looking out for his own self interests.

Hi, current Firefighter/EMT and former Army Combat Medic here.