
Same question for JK Rowling, to be honest. Why do you care so much? Why die on this hill?

This is kind of my reaction. You could have devoted all that time to... Anything else. It's just weird. 

I’ve been saying Dave is basically becoming Boosie anytime Lil Nas X does literally anything

There are so many other people! Pick someone else!


My 10-gallon is first and foremost just a place for me to put plants. I love how I can see the roots stretching down from the floating ones. It’s so peaceful. I got some shrimp and ember tetras to put in it purely because it makes it a bit more interesting to watch, but they’re not really necessary.

I think the point is that as long as people like Lauren Boebert, Josh Hawley, Margery Taylor-Green, Ted Cruz, Jim Jordan and Mitch McConnell keep getting elected, and you keep voting for the party that literally tried to overthrow a legitimate election, you’re part of that party. Until and unless the collective ‘right

The ultimate irony is that most of the most rabid antimaskers have mugs you’d rather not see anyway.

He was preceded by his career, which officially died in 1997. Cause of death: suicide.

Do I have to recruit a certain number of team members before I become a Bridge Director?

I mainly remember doing that, and everyone I was watching with being all “he’s totally coked out! Look at him!” and “You can totally tell she’s a major junkie! Look at her eyes!” and I could never see it. That was when I knew lots of people into tons of... alternative intoxicants, and had tried my share, but it just

It may surprise people to realize this, but Will Smith can act.  People who saw Six Degrees of Separation know this.

this needs more stars

Me too!!!

I laughed.

One of the best YA novels ever.

Prosecutor: Is it true that you supplied this young girl with alcohol?

Congrats on being the exception vs. the rule. My father started a non profit targeting the abuser changing their ways vs. the victim side, which is different because he was never abused. He has 4 main slogans, but, “Domestic violence is a learned behavior, be a hero, break the cycle” my favorite. Godspeed on

Good for you. I don’t have kids, but I can hear myself being shite to my partner sometimes. Those lessons and realizations can be rough, but the fact you’re recognizing it and doing something about it is something to be proud of. 

Good for you! I know you both didn’t do it for internet compliments but as someone who is trying to break the cycle of trauma I applaud parents who recognize this and put the work in. Good luck!