

See also: Africa; the Middle East and Asia; and, yes, even Europe. 

I wonder if you can measure the collective “ooooohhhhhh he almost gets it” on a seismometer.

Being funny takes a hell of a lot of work if you want to advance from small comedy clubs to where Hart is today.

Huh. Found this on Zappa Wiki Jawaka:

Is your name a play off of Coati Mundi?

Yeah. Barbara Ehrenreich made that point in Bait and Switch—that the system is designed to lure people into dreaming of “management” positions, but said layer is so overstuffed with needless bureaucracy that it drains profits and productivity, and the people in “lower” management are making less per hour for more

Stone Cold. So jealous I didn't say this first . Take that star.

Three kids here and fully agree. Unrelated, we’re going to Disney late fall/early winter and I’m looking to refinance my home.

I doubt he was even enlisted. The highest rank he ever obtained was Captain - Morgan. Bet she kisses him on the mouth.

Wow. She is living a whole ass KKKaren lifestyle - complete with cuck-related terms and lightning bolts. How has this not been presented as her being unfit to continue with her duties - whatever they may be?? I wish I could say I was surprised but....nah

Now playing

If I had to guess, I’d say because the sneakerhead sub-culture is a billion dollar industry...the rarer, the better and if these get pulled before reaching production, they’re likely to become just that, possibly making them a collector item holy grail.

It’s a very Sneetches thing to do. 

HA. I chortled when I saw that article had the name changed today. 

This is such a stupid nothing burger... You guys didn’t even do your journalistic diligence to research the whole thing modernly. You’re just reacting to Twitter trolls and trends. This is such a bullying move by the AV Club, it’s disgusting. By the time she was crowned, the Veiled Prophet Organization had been

Yes but everyone of us have to deal with assholes and bullies in our professional life. Most often than not we don’t get to chose who we have to work with. Naomi Osaka can chose to not entertain thoses who asks stupid questions

I thought the bomb comment was funny, too. 

Also, you can only really hit someone from like a few feet away. Anything more than 5 feet and there’s a good chance the water won’t even make it all the way there!

“Joining us on Zoom for tonight’s GOP Presidential debate, from the federal prison system, are candidates Trump, Gaetz, and Greene...”

Everything is going up. Wood. Steel. Gas. Food. Housing. Everything.