
Something tells me this wouldn’t  have happened had Iowa won. I know she means well, but after 8 years in the Obama administration....

Why didn’t they call it Pymp™?

I disagree. The only reason people in positions of power are calling to stop AI is because they know they will be the first targets.

I would’ve figured it was because she reads at a 3rd grade level.

I used to love hearing the directors on my team complain about the measures they had to take to appear busy. Our Sr. Director would tell them to just go to the on-campus gym for a couple hours.

So, not tossing salads?

It was the mid-90's and I was in high school. My auto shop teacher offered to sell me this nearly mint Datsun 510 (yellow with a black vinyl top) for $750...and my dad said no. 

I can’t wait for our “The internet is a series of tubes” moment from one of our congressmembers. 

And healthcare benefits. Because it makes total sense that something so vital to existing should be provided by your employer - who can also let you go at will.

Watch Trump claim he’s pregnant to try and get out of any jail time.

“Being falsely imprisoned for rape sure worked out for him!”

I love how they kept Phil Knight’s ridiculous hair style and “hello, my fellow kids” wardrobe choices. Dude was not hip, but I guess it doesn’t matter when you’re worth billions. 

Way more convincing than Keanu Reeve’s line reading. Dude had only like ten lines in the film and managed to sound like he just took a bong rip each time. 

That’s when it entered the Fast and Furious level of “Okay so we’re just not even going to try and make this seem a little realistic.” territory.

I considered it but my two kids were actually bored after nearly three hours of what seemed like the same scene over and over again.

My company drastically changed how we handle performance reviews because we were all talking a lot more with our managers after we went remote.

Seems like you should know the people in your circle who drama seems to always follow and cut ties. Even if they’re just people who make you dramatic. There’s a lot of money on the table that can be lost.

Well, he’s dead now so you can be happy.

It’s literally three hours of Keanu Reeves shooting people and getting shot at. 

Watched John Wick 4 with two of my kids last night. When my wife asked us how it was we all basically said something to the effect of, “It was pretty long. Lots of shooting.”.