Milli Vanilli Ice Bucket Challenge

Carefull friend. A stranger with a small penis might save your bacon (and your lady's sweet ass) one day.

I think maybe in order to cater to guys who REALLY love their cars, they need to look into installing a "gentleman's glory hole/fleshdoor" . Injecting fun, indeed. Of course, you can plug it up with an umbrella, in case the missus starts getting nosey.

Unless it's Dr. Manhattan, groped. All day. Faster.

I for one would rather be rich and indecent, than poor and sad.

Eff that man. The aliens will NEVER ever come here. Ever. Think about it. They have "advanced technology", right? So it's pretty safe to say they can pick up our radio and satelite feeds. Think about every big budget alien movie to come out in the last, lets say, 20 years. We fucking own them. They know how we treat

Dial *pap for Toilet paper

You sir, owe me a cup of coffee. Maybe a new keyboard, i dont know yet.

I've got Chuck Yeager, Randy Moss, Henry Rollins, Robbie Williams, in no particular order.

I used to have a B5.5 W8. It was one of the most comfortable rides, not to mention a great highway cruiser. Nobody would suspect the 4.0 under the hood, untill they heard the exhaust note from the remus i had installed. grocery getter, FTW

Needs moar tentacles?

Nice. Stay warm and may the powder gods bless you on this three day weekend.

I really like this post, and I like your screen name.

Oh snap! I'm sorry, i meant Raiden from MK, lol. I remember you could unlock him in NFL blitz. I forgot about the raiden from MG, LOL

*Skull click*

If i could outfit my character as Raiden or Solid Snake too, that would be great.


I thought there was something up with his acting in Meet Joe Black. Almost too good right? Robot for sure. See also, Jude Law in A.I.

I'm calling it now.

Your friend is looking for you.

As a veteran, I disagree with your stance on Patriotism. If 9/11 revealed anything, it was reverse patriotism. It's unsettling the shit we as a country fo through day to day in the name of homeland security. It saddens me when some lower-class h.s. grad gets recruited on the basis of escaping their shit town with the