iamauto...(rhymes w/horatio)?
iamauto...(rhymes w/horatio)?
Pe Do Ra !
I was gonna ask Margaret to marry me. By far one of the flyest looking honeys in the game, then this guy comes and shanks her. I killed him, paid the fine and has sad.
I too get frustrated when dealing with NPCs. I'm lvl 46, my guys a beast. Soloing dragons, i use my follower as a mule and give them the best armor and the best weapons. I don't need them. I wish people would respond to me better, or at least GTFO of my way when i walk by. All i get is, oh, you're that guy from the…
That is so gross. Who puts on a fresh pair of undies without washing off their trunk? At least wet it and towel it off. Disgusting.
I don't know why you didn't think of that. Maybe if you had, you could have avoided the colissions in the first place. Ask me how I know this. I've never hit any moose.
what's it like living life being a disgruntled troll for no apparent reasons?
Try slowing down.
Real men don't tenderize at all. Girly men with weak jaws tenderize so they don't have to chew so much.
This is seriously the greatest video on the internet, ever. It makes me want to re-enlist, switch branches, complete pre-rip, ranger and airborn just to swap back to 3PO51, go through K-9 school and deploy behind enemy as a Rin Tin Tin, death from above, complete badass!
I call fake. Why would a UAV be painted to match the terrain, when all of our other planes are painted to match the backdrop of the atmosphere? This isn't 'Nam. Unless these things sit out on the flightline all day, why aren't they countershaded?
*Heart click*
2007-2012 is not a long time, unless you're a salarian.
I plan on slipping a 2zz into my MkIII MR2, then a turbo. The stock 1zz is lame. I do like this new 86 though. Maybe they can roll out a FR-S Spyder in the future.
The guard in winterhold told me that, i think she was checking out my elf armor.
That's how you know @AXBHikaru is a bro, he's too young to remember Link's left-handedness.