on 360, aim, hold A. move. hit A to release.
on 360, aim, hold A. move. hit A to release.
Greatest movie EVAR !
Don't instruct me on the roles of the class system in BF3, friend. I have the game, know how to play. But if you say that it's all about team play, then why am I the only one on the team with a mic, day in and day out? I'm not good at the game, because choose to revive teamates, and get my ass shot off while doing it.…
I'm sure if you sent them $60 via paypal, they'd play the game the way YOU want it to be played. I know when I play online and i play how I want to, if people dont agree with what i'm doing or how well i'm playing, asking them to paypay you $60 of THEIR money usually shuts them up.
Lead Photo:
Vermont and some other parts of New England have a "mud season". Falls between winter and spring.
Just read his wiki, was born on Veterans day. Good Veterans day weekend-end tie in.
All you wah-wahs complaining about the kids "googling" her and seeing inappropriate images need to immediatly call the elementary school that your children attend and harass their teacher into changing the "safe search" setting to "Strict", followed by dousing your head with a 5 gallon bucket of ice water.
I was the same way about BF3, which thinking that out loud is kind of embarassing. It fails so much. I've never played an Elder scrolls game, but seeing all the vids and hearing all the hype makes me want to order it. I think i'll trade BF3 in for a copy next week.
You might get it, but not untill Fedex or UPS decides to drop it off. Hope you're off tomorrow and dont mind waiting around, anxiously checking and re-checking your tracking status to see when its on the truck for delivery.
Kappearing, Klassik!
You're right. The pox on Michael Bay and GM for their 2.5 hour car comercial staring b-list actors, excesive CGI and Megan Fox.
Nice. All I ever see are the d-bag green, blue and black ones.