I support this 100%. This is a GREAT idea. Now, it will be easier to spot the douchbag dudebros bankofmom&dad tailgaters cars on the highway and avoid them. Can we get the camaro in this color too?
This. Let's get a pic of this Sar guy and turn him into a ragefail meme.
As a former USAF Cop, I didn't see any of that in my career field. Realistic minds and all that. We could distinguish reality from video games.
Keep waiting.
I don't know if someone already posted this, but maybe folks are playing MW2 to practice up for MW3, seeing how BlOPs sucks. I picked up BF3, ill play it till MW3 comes out, and decide which i like better, and keep whichever my pals are playing.
Everything works out fine if you just duck into the alley and grab a star (drugs, IRL) to shake the fuzz.
How are they gonna jack cars and kill people from the kitchen? I keed, i keed.
You poke it, you own it.
Not enough corners for Flack-jacket, last stand , ak-74, claymore setting campers to hide in.
Ooh, great question.
BF was never meant to be a corridor shooter. Hence, vehicles, wide open maps.
Harcore spray-and-pray, FTL :(
You smelt it, you dealt it.