Milli Vanilli Ice Bucket Challenge

I support this 100%. This is a GREAT idea. Now, it will be easier to spot the douchbag dudebros bankofmom&dad tailgaters cars on the highway and avoid them. Can we get the camaro in this color too?

This. Let's get a pic of this Sar guy and turn him into a ragefail meme.

You called?

As a former USAF Cop, I didn't see any of that in my career field. Realistic minds and all that. We could distinguish reality from video games.


Keep waiting.

I don't know if someone already posted this, but maybe folks are playing MW2 to practice up for MW3, seeing how BlOPs sucks. I picked up BF3, ill play it till MW3 comes out, and decide which i like better, and keep whichever my pals are playing.

I'll just leave this here...


It would be EPIC if they sold them here.

Everything works out fine if you just duck into the alley and grab a star (drugs, IRL) to shake the fuzz.

How are they gonna jack cars and kill people from the kitchen? I keed, i keed.

You poke it, you own it.

Not enough corners for Flack-jacket, last stand , ak-74, claymore setting campers to hide in.

Ooh, great question.

BF was never meant to be a corridor shooter. Hence, vehicles, wide open maps.

Harcore spray-and-pray, FTL :(

You smelt it, you dealt it.