Milli Vanilli Ice Bucket Challenge

I know right? totally weaksauce. I was like, "thats it?".

WTF? A rational comment? GTFO!

What a douche thing to say.

You forgot about Mass Effect 2.

A real man doesn't make other people clean up his messes. Sitting down to pee is relaxing, accurate, and allows you time to read. Your mom lost.

I'm sorry, could you break "Guilia" down into sound-able blocks? I don't know how to pronounce it. The only way i can imagine it, is Julia with a "G". If it does in fact sound exactly as "Julia" with a "G", then why?


Wow. Just wow. Rage looks HORRENDOUS. I can't believe I bought into the hype and bought this game. Initially, it was cool, but deffinatly did not get my money's worth.

Why so serious?

What are your kids doing out at 3am?

Did you ever stop to think that this isn't the first time the girl has driven? Maybe she's well adjusted to her fathers drinking habits. I was driving when I was nine or ten. Four wheels, two wheels, snowmobiles and watercraft. Not everyone grows up under rocks / in the city. No blood, no foul, thats what i say. Are

"Get in ma belly!"

I see what you did there. I agree. We could be like another Canada.

I'll just leave this here

And I was like, Earth to Meekus, duh!

lolwut? you can go back, i'm staying here.

You shipheads woke me up.

I am so dissapoint. I used to have the biggest crush oh her. Now, I wish i had never laid eyes on her. What a waste.

I would like to join your car club.

Isn't that what Jalop is all about? Jumping sharks? Nobody wants to see lazy sharks, or people just running into sharks.