I hate driving in H-town. My gf has family in Pearland. A friend of mine on a car forum once wrote,
I hate driving in H-town. My gf has family in Pearland. A friend of mine on a car forum once wrote,
Toyota never shoulda killed off the MkIII MR2s. I own a 2002. All my buddies at car meets that drive miata's love it. They say it handles better, but wouldnt buy one because...
My dyslexia kicked in and I thought it read,
Because Pip-Boy 3000.
I do love me some Skoal though... a little lippa dippa.
You want the girl to give you a golden shower?
Halo 5?
Funny story... I was getting snow tires put on at a tire shop in Littleton NH. Sitting in the waiting area, I noticed a tabloid on the magazine rack. I would never buy one of these things, so I thought I'd skim through it. Before I got the thing out of the rack, the corner of the cover had a picture of two plesiosaurs…
I agree one hundred percent. Young kids should not be playing violent video games. Competive games, yes. Educational games, by all means. Shooters, maybe halo at best. CoD and Gears, GTA and the like, not so much. Teach them the difference between game/real life violence/justified killing. I believe that parents…
He never ages. Weird.
We never went to the moon.
It really is. It is the best. I wish there were more of them. I am also looking forward to the day when I can obtain a cyber-brain and surf the net and communicate with everything around me.
I felt the same way with all three of my old Vee Dubs. My 03 GTI 1.8t, my 92 Corrado SLC and my 02 VW B5.5 . Quirky, not enough aftermarket support, love/hate relationship. Someone once said that 2000-2005 Vw's are "lifestyle cars", VW was skimping on cheap parts and owning one meant you got to know the service dept…
Glad my MkIII Mr2 didn't make this list.
If you can't handle whatever substance you're using, it's called substance abuse. That's ignorant. Handle your s#it.
Unfunny douche troll is unfunny.
I agree its lame too. In IM:2, the gov wants the suit for themselves, and requests that it be turned over. If I were on that board, I would say "Fine, keep your suit. We want teh tech." We dont need more iron mans, but the power supply and the HU and the AI and the minuturization/ weight shaving of the weapons could…