Hey a gif that completely embodies the state of Florida.
Hey a gif that completely embodies the state of Florida.
The gold numbers on the fifty yard line are stupid anyways. It’s just a crappy marketing ploy by the NFL, designed to remind people about Super Bowl Fifty. Yeah we git, it’s the fiftieth Super Bowl and 50 is a significant number.
Alcohol is fun.
This is like watching a young Adrian Peterson.
Hah I think it’s funny how the ref originally called it incomplete, even though the ref was standing right by the play, and the receiver clearly got his foot down before going out of bounds.
Heads up football.
“Fingers are overrated.”
When coming up with a nickname, the University of North Dakota really needs to think outside of the box here... They need to go with something original like the “Wild Cats” or the “Bulldogs”.
He looks like he should be working as a bar tender at dingy dive bar.
+1 (murderer reference)
He plays the “angry white man” role quite well actually.
Oh you crafty Mormons and your dick-punching tactics.
+1 haha
I was confused by the title.
Ray Rice would be so proud.
This article was glorious. Totally made my day.
To indicate a pause as it is being read...
That lady has a good sense of humor. I can dig it.
The trade deadline is only potentially too early, because now there are the extra wild card teams in the playoffs. Meaning, any team with a record around 500 is basically in contention for a wild card spot up until early to mid August.