What you are describing is NFL football, and it’s been that way for many years. I’m sure you have heard the saying “there are no old mobile quarterbacks.” Well that phrases exists for a reason.
What you are describing is NFL football, and it’s been that way for many years. I’m sure you have heard the saying “there are no old mobile quarterbacks.” Well that phrases exists for a reason.
Don’t watch if you don’t like it.
You thought he was gonna die?
That’s the highlight of His career as a football broadcaster.
Jokes on you for reading the comments in the grays.
I’ll have you know they make $8.50 per hour!
Can’t detect sarcasm; must be autistic.
Making thigh and knee pads mandatory for all players was simply a P.R. move by the league. They spin it as “we are making the game safer” when in reality thigh and knee pads will not do shit to stop or reduce head/neck injuries.
Speaking of people out there killing each other, there have been 500 homicides so far this year in Chicago.
So, growing up in North Dakota looks fun.
Brian Kelly is one of the least likable coaches in all of sports. His rage based tantrums on the sideline are something of legend at this point, and he acted like that even before coaching at Notre Dame, when he was at Cinci, and Central Michigan. The bottom line is he’s a complete jackass, and he makes it easier to…
I respect what Kap is doing. Also, I read he plans to donate 1 million dollars of his salary to community organization charities. Hats off to him.
The curse of the publicly financed stadium.
So like the 1990s then?
+1 (extreme irony)