Tampa 2 Step

I remember when Tony Dungy claimed he'd draft RG3 over Andrew Luck if given the chance.

Chester Cheeto, is that you?

Is it just me, or are the Seahwaks starting to collapse?

By any chance, does this dance have a name?

Looked like a clean hit to me. He lead with his shoulder, and timed the hit well. I did not notice any distinct helmet to helmet contact. Seems like most big hits (even clean ones) will draw a penalty these days in the NFL.....

You haven't seen Dumb and Dumber? So you probably live under a rock.....

So basically the message is: "Hey it's okay to hate your body, because these other beautiful people hate their fucking bodies too."

Umm yeah I can see why that might be a problem

Drink water?! God that is so 20th century!

Hey at least they are trying... Actually I'm not sure they are.

God dammit Curt, you just made a huge ass of yourself and now the whole internet is laughing at you. Way to fucking go.

Kershaw winning it is no surprise. However, I doubt anyone predicted Kluber would win it before the season started. Talk about coming out of nowhere...

His death was sad enough. The fact that he was shitfaced drunk makes it a little more sad.

NASCAR, alcohol, and domestic violence... The holy trinity.

As long as Gruden stays in his Gruden persona and continues talking, the ratings will not take a hit.


She took it well. I think she is used to having meat in her face tho.

Drake wears pedophile glasses, and a sweater his Grandmother knitted for him. Interesting style to say the least.

Oh I thought they were special emblems which represent both team's underachieving ways.

Seems pretty fucked up to arrest someone for feeding the homeless (humanitarian aid) even if there is a law against it.