Ding ding ding!
Ding ding ding!
I can see how managing the Cubs is more appealing than managing the Rays. The Cubs are a large market team and are capable of having a big payroll. They also have some young talented players emerging.
Romo will likely get pumped up with painkillers before the game in order to play.
This is the same Tony Dungy who claimed he'd draft RG3 instead of Andrew Luck if given the chance.
never mind
They lived together but never slept together? seems odd....
Every time I see Rob Ryan, he seems fatter and angrier than the last time I saw him.
There's a lot of teams out there that would be willing to put up with Lynch's "antics" no problem.
When I read "Milk-Busting Tantrum" I was expecting something else.
The steel spike could represent the blue collar spirit of working class Michigan or some shit like that. Whatever it means, it was a fucking stupid stunt to pull. Michigan football sure knows how to make an ass of itself.
Hey these refs makes the PAC-12 officials look half decent.
Nice, nice.
Looks my poop eating days are over, for now at least.
He went out of his way to dig mulch with a shovel and bury himself in it... That's fucking hilarious.
That headband is fucking badass.
Comcast probably intentionally did that just to piss people off. That's the kind of assholes they are.
How will old Roger wiggle his way out of this one?
Russell Wilson is black?
I'm guessing the CSKA fans are relatively mild mannered when compared to Oakland Raiders' fans.