Any costume that involves carrying around a prop is a huge pain in the ass, and especially when you are shitfaced drunk.
Any costume that involves carrying around a prop is a huge pain in the ass, and especially when you are shitfaced drunk.
Yeah no need to bother searching for a missing person. It's not like that's the police's job or anything......
Yay for bread!
That sign is an absolute work of art. The smiley face in the zero is the kicker.
I've never seen Mad Men before but I'll take your word for it.
Rams' defense had given up a touchdown to Seattle's offense each of its last 2 drive. Yes the fake punt was risky, but Rams' coaching staff knew their defense wouldn't be able to prevent Seattle from scoring another touchdown. Credit the Rams' coaching staff for having the balls to call the fake punt in that situation.
Now look kids, that's how you knock someone the fuck out.
Well this is the kind of highlight you would expect to see in a high school football game. Way to go MSU defense.
So if Harvin was frustrated with the Seahawks, just imagine how much worse it will be with the Jets.
Oh wow, Starbucks is so progressive....
Of course he sucks, everybody knows Jews can't play basketball.
"Hey, fuck all your leaves!" -Cat
Rolando has always had the talent. His problem was his attitude and work ethic. I think Cowboys' defensive coordinator Rod Maranelli is the kind of coach that is able harness Rolando's talents and keep him motivated. Marinelli is an old-school, hard-ass, no nonsense football coach. Marinelli won't put up with any crap…
It's late night at the Taco Bell drive thru...... I'm pretty sure moist of the customers are fucked up on something.
I don't know why it's so funny, but it is.
Yeah this guy never fucking played football.
I watched this entire game and I had no idea this protest was occurring. ESPN of course never fucking mentioned anything about it, even though it's kind of a big deal and very relevant.
Bilas has passion and he's fighting "the good fight" so to speak. Yeah this particular exchange with Winthrop Compliance seems petty, but it speaks to a much larger issue...