Tampa 2 Step

Yes of course, because it's totally the university's responsibility to dictate what websites other adults can and cannot access....

A goofy old guy wearing a shower-cap while Oscar The Grouch dumps ice water on his head.... Well shit now I've seen it all.

Brian Bosworth would be proud.

Oh I get it. Mental break must be codename for cocaine break.

"Been there, done that." ~Jason Tarver

rabble rabble, unwritten rules of baseball, rabble rabble.

Damn those fancy deer and their Lexus automobiles.

Yeah but she's hot.

So it kind of looks like a turd. Yeah...

Holy shit. That's like something straight out of a James Bond movie.

Wow 13 year old kids these days are pretty badass.

Holy shit. He moves pretty fast for an old guy.

Give ESPN some credit. At leas they aren't afraid to try anything in order to save their network's ratings.

+1 nice

Nice compact throwing motion, quick release, tight spiral, and good follow threw. Looks like the New York Jets just found their new QB.

Excellent dirt kicking technique by Ventura.

Fox News at its finest.

I've heard some guys will get their lower ribs removed so they can suck their own dick. Not sure how true that is.

Oh no the body of a naked woman!

Burger King sells pies?