It never happened because they deleted it from their website. Duh!
It never happened because they deleted it from their website. Duh!
Powerful read.
Just buy unscented men's deoderant. It's all the same shit.
Hey but I thought Matt Ryan was an "elite" quarterback..... At least that's what the smarty pants who work for ESPN told me.
Hey but those bank lobbies fucking suck. We can all agree on that.
Old People are also pussies when it comes to driving. God forbid you actually drive at or above the speed limit..... No they much rather prefer driving 15 miles per hour below the speed limit while in the left lane with their turn signal on for no reason.
The 4chan trolls take trolling to a whole different level. They are basically professional trolls and their lives revolve around trolling. The trolls want attention of any kind for their trolling acts, so don't give them any.
Well played Harper, well played.
Sorry you have no sense of humor.
Dunking on mother bring great honor to family.
Her distant ancestors were goats.
A pitching bear-man... And I thought I'd seen it all.
Suddenly, I feel a strong urge to punch my computer monitor.
The kid passed out on the floor cracked me up.
For fuck sake! I'd hope people would clean their ears regardless of how manly the Q-tips are.
Hey that's a poop joke.
Well that was dramatic.
Zero fucks given
Was the part with him saying fuck broadcast on live TV?
When you say pee sex, you mean urine related sexual activities right?