Tampa 2 Step

Can't something be both offensive and funny?

So like drugs then?

That was just silly.

Oh fuck, I want some of what this guy is smoking.

I know both the Hawks and Niners really like to run the ball in order to set up play action passes. A lot of those play action passes are relatively deep passes. That could partly explain why Wilson and Kaep are picking up a lot of yards per completion.

I like articles/stories where reading the title tells you pretty much all you need to know.


Add more chlorine bruh

Maybe Meyer should give Tebow some kind of assistant coaching job at OSU. Tebow could be shovel-pass coordinator.

Wow I couldn't have imagine a more stereotypical looking Italian guy. A name like Luigi Militello doesn't hurt either.

Hey you leave mid-calf socks out of this!

Well shit if my team was in need of running-back depth, I'd try to pick up a running-back off of waivers too.

And I thought watching a baseball game caused enough of a headache already.

This is the sort of thing I would have expected from the Mets. Way to go Rockies.

Somehow this does not surprise me.

Yeah but everyone knows weed is a gateway drug....

You mistakenly cut a man's dick off..... dafuq

How much of her butt is photo-shopped?

Also Bonds had ridiculously quick bat speed. I remember he'd really let the ball get on him before swinging, but still he'd be able to pull an inside fastball for a home run.

+1 nice